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So you want to get personal?

Know who you are talking to

Personalization is key to successful outreach. It’s all about showing your prospects that you’ve done your research, you understand their situation, and you know how your solution relates to them.


Here’s how we do it:


Customized Snippets


We craft personalized snippets that highlight key information relevant to each decision-maker. This makes your emails stand out and resonate with the recipient.


AI-Driven relevancy 


We custom-code AI bots to read LinkedIn pages and gather valuable data, including:


• Education: Background and qualifications of the decision maker.

• Content: Topics the business posts about.

• Achievements: Funding


We can do any research depending on your needs.


Real-Life Example


For instance, for a biotech company, our bots found research papers that medical centers released matching the product they offered. We used a snippet to explain the real-life impact of the research and how our product could help patients. This level of detail shows that you understand their specific needs and challenges.

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